Move Beyond Land Acknowledgements to Action Plans for Support

Sogorea Te’ Land Trust

Sogorea Te’ Land Trust (STLT) is an urban Indigenous women-led land trust that facilitates the return of land to the Ohlone people, the original stewards of land now known as Oakland, California. The land was purchased by the nonprofit Planting Justice in 2016 and became one of the most “successful permaculture nurseries in the world.” Planting Justice “is an intersectional organization creating family sustaining careers that cultivate food sovereignty, economic justice, and community healing. We create space for people impacted by mass incarceration and other oppressive systems to envision and work towards personal and community transformation through land reclamation, ecological design, and urban food/medicine production. Our work with STLT further broadens the scope of what Food Justice means by acknowledging the relationship food growers have to stolen Indigenous land.” This will be the first time Ohlone Land has been transferred back to Ohlone ownership. Land trusts are tools that can be used by Indigenous groups to protect, access, restore, and reclaim their homelands.

Learn more about Sogorea Te’ Land Trust in Oakland, CA.