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Farm Labor Support

Small-scale farming using sustainable practices is labor intensive.  Labor costs can also make up a significant portion of a small farms’ budget. Especially during certain times of the year or for certain projects at a farm, extra working hands can help farmers stay on track with their work and help lighten the load. Assistance with farm labor means growers can save money, accomplish important tasks, and spend more time focusing on growing healthy, local food for their communities.

We provide labor support in the following two ways:

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Labor Stipends

Does your farm have a current need around labor? We offer labor stipends of $3,000 to support farm labor needs at metro Atlanta farms. Farms have used this flexible financial support for things like supplementing wages for farm team members or covering labor costs for specialized contractors. This support is intended for established farms that generally have less than four employees.

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Labor Assistance

Do you have a task on your farm to-do list that you need some help to accomplish?  We partner with Eco-PARADIGM — a local company specializing in urban agroecology, sustainable greenspace management, and equitable farm labor — to support metro Atlanta farms with workdays with a skilled, multi-person crew to help farms complete projects and stay on track with their work.

Do you have questions about these resources? Email to get in touch.

Need more help?


Tool Lending Program

Rent out BCS tractors and attachments through our partnership with the Atlanta Community Tool Bank.

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Mechanical Assistance

Have a bigger project at your farm? Tractor operator Small Farmer at Large can help!

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Farm Compost Delivery

Healthy soil is essential! Farmers can request bulk compost delivery between January-April.

In The News

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